Senin, 15 Juni 2009

Job Analysis; In Scope of job observatiaon process

Job Analysis; In scope of job observation process

Observation work is an activity addressed for the; perception, research, and data collecting of work to get all work informations which the was required, to be made by materials in formulation of job. In work observation phase, there are some matters which need careful and considered result to the activity can yield expected data. As for which need to be considered shall be as follows;
1. Determining Observation Work technique; There is many techniques in executing perception of work data for the purpose of compilation of description and competency requirement of job/activity, according to Joseph E. Morsh, edited by Moh. As'Ad, Drs.Psi in the book of entitling Industrial Psychology, year 1982, page;yard 13-15, writing there is 9 techniques that is:

a. Questionnaire Techniques ( enquette); The process of is, employees asked to give data / information filled some questions which have been prepared to pass questionnaire, as for its contents concerning work/position of and portray work/position of with his own word.
b. Check-list Technique; The Process of is, worker check and give sign of duties which was doing of him, by using an list statement of duties defining an work/position. Scope statement of duties which in the list depended from consideration of maker of list.
c. Technique Interview; This concerning selection to experienced and good worker in an work type, and the worker which usually will represent the job area of to be held an interview with.
d. Technique Perception; This is done at work when the worker in pursuance of work to be noted/to be registered. Job analyst perceive, questioning and noting all informations of the worker to obtain description which is actual, complete, and special.
e. Technique Interview Group; A number of Workers / functionary representing work/position which is same to be selected, later then after chosen, hence constructively job analyst, Worker / functionary note data of indentification and remember and also write down ofactivity closing of meeting, job analyst combine got data / information.
f. Method of Technical Conference; A number of subject matter expert in an meetings to give description concerning conducted for activity an selected work.
g. Method Daily Note; With time which have been determined, worker asked to note his duty, day after day, worker don't be enabled to keep in mind, is but asked to write down every what have been done.
h. Method of Job; the Analyst Job follow to work. Possibly he do simple duties meagrely or without instruction. In the case of activity having the character of more technical was he have to study in advance the work and later then do him together with worker which have habit.
i. Method of Critical Incident; This Technique concerning gathering of based on statement [is] direct perception or notes at deed ( mannerious)/ activity showing performance which very well and unsatisfactory. Behaviour aspect of the works paid attention and usually some occurences like that possibly good for recognizing heavy clauses from a work, however do not give description which last for getting work data.

2. Matter which need to be paid attention in execution of job observation is :
All above method/technique, each having insuffiency and excess, but we have to see that the target of the end of process data collecting of work is can muster information concerning work as complete as and possible rigid and also work of actual. In principle result of data collecting of work have goals can fulfill expectation, so that at the time of formulation of job wait, job analyst do not get difficulty in step of format breakdown of, clauses of interest, and job . On that account in general usage of work data observation method, often use Method / technique of Questionnaire, Interview, and direct perception at the time of worker work, or combination of his thirdness, excess from three observation method work as following :

a. Interview Method; This Method used many by various organizations/company in course of data collecting, because besides will be got a complete work data, the work data also detailed, this because we earn to draw up and design format of kuesioner containing of question of detailes and complete as according to requirement. But that way a job analyst to execute activity interview this require to prepare x'self with special ability in the field of communication orall and can in interpreting explanation given by employees/expert held an interview, besides also job analsis ought to can instruct wisely if experties have started to extend in giving explanation. Matter which need to be paid attention in execution of interview are the target of fundamental interview that is getting information as much as possible hitting works, on that account in the him of we need paid attention the followings:
· Use practical interview technique but do not monoton.
· Drawing up question to be raised and also draw up tape recorder if require to.
· Guide discussion direction remain to direction.
· Explanation interpretation and also redo result of the interpretation to get approval.
· Signing result of observation ( employees, experties, and observer).

Something else which need to be paid attention is :
1. Don't impress to advise
2. Don't give comment of less precise assumed activity practices
3. Don't partake inquiring ambition which outside scope analyse work
4. Don't give question which in character apprehend
5. Used Ianguage understood, facilitate question and direct obyek, don't circumvent
6. Don't do to opening of length
7. Don't assess answer untimely.
8. Don't debate answer.

To be more order and fluent of execution of interview in course of dig of data / work information, better do the things below :
1. Drawing up beforehand all supply, including permission of superior leading organizational unit of candidate to hold an interview.
2. Before all explain beforehand in a word hold an interview with to regarding what our purposes and objectives of interview.
3. During the have taking place to interview process, have to be generated feeling to owner of work was that he do not is made a fool of by interviewer.
4. Make the of room interview to have balmy condition, cleanness, do not disturb, and labour so that the room near by possibly with place work owner of work
5. Give attention fully to owner of work, labour so that he do not annoyed
6. Interviewer and owner of work shall sit in such a manner in position face to face.
7. During interview take place, owner of work shall reside in a condition not convulsively, feel peace, and feel can freely phrase his view, and interviewer shall can push owner of work to be able to answer] question clearly and honest 8. Utilizing Sheet Perception of Work to pour result of interview / got information ( see form-form) to assist in course of job analist.

As practical picture [regarding/ hit] interview items will contain questions as follows;
1. Globally of the question of flange in existence of position/occupation function in this work in process stream or organization work and clear of his contribution, this matter can identify to pass the work frequency done, taking example; frequency every day is the image of that work it is work of fundamental (core)
2. Elaborating above function into fundamental duties which is on a day-to-day basis given by superior ( leader group)
3. Image of environmental condition of place job/activity of the take place
4. Education level, technical knowledge of nonformal, technical skilled, and/ or license type which must have by job holder, to be able to run the duty
5. Amount and responsibility types which must be executed by worker
6. Any kind of becoming to account sued ( worker accountibility), and what become special performance standard of this work.

Such as have been told by Dessler that [at] interview process, oftentimes happened pemutar of work fact inversion, this matter happened because by humanism, existence of function and worker occupied to tend to had a mind so that job analysis process hereinafter, specially at the time of giving of compensation wight, expected will get big result. This matter can eliminir by using 1 until 5 people owner of work to be held an interview, what was later then compared to as a whole and from comparison result we will get result of dig of information many means, afterwards do cross check with the superior of to get confidence level and recommendation.

b. Method of quesionnaire; Process from the this method is to ask to job holder all expert of work to fill quesionnaire which have been drawn up containing to beforehand regarding questions of work responsibility and duty, and others related to activity data done by owner of work in the effort getting work data. Which require to become attention, besides notification to organizational function superior before execution of spreading of questionnaire, also explanation of question points to employees becoming data network object. In forming of content and structure of questionnaire of questions will become matter which of vital importance in neting information / activity data. This matter is done work to data result can be formulated easily by all job analysts, and besides also possibly result of from job formula can be used upon which in set-up the system, method, and order work [at] resource management function of humanism. Weakness of this method is execution of admission filling of questionnaire, usually will require time which is longer relative compared to interview method. Excess of job holder will be able to calm and barer in replying all questions, because the admission filling of him done do not in atmosphere deal with interviewer, so that got data will be more complete and also the existence of clear responsibility of owner of work.

c. Method Perception; Just as in interview method, job analyst use line item, that is; activity list, time, result of, such as written in map of job operation, activity owner of work perceived in every day selected during continuous or. This method is usually used if the work measure up to or job character which predominated by physical effort, some this activities textbook is referred as profession field ( like; custodian, assembler, operator, or officer of accounting, and others) what in this case of job analyst cannot bother activity owner of work to call it day and held an interview with or asked to answer] question of sheet of questionnaire. Work which in character not transient / erratic, this method better avoid, because there is tendency of job/activity analyst will use or his prediction activity, is so that worryed of used work sampel do not representative. At process of execution, is usually registered / to be noted pursuant to work cycle, intention of is job analyst perceive activity owner of work of moment work during one job cycle, taking example a machine operator will perceive to start from drawing up appliance / raw material and machine ( material) , forming / processing the the material so that become product. From mentioned work cycle, we can to perceive and note all requirement of data, work data, work input, condition of job environment, job step, and also time used to execute one cycle work completely. But this method have weakness in the case of neting data concerning clauses of claimed of qualifiacation , is so that suggested to equip less data, had recourse from expert or superior job holder of work. For the execution of data collecting of work, writer recommend usage of combination method from third above method, to get wholy work data.

For example, hereunder we give some format forms of questionnaire to be able to be used by work analysts in neting work data by using method / technique of questionnaire, interview, and perception.

Gary Dessler in the book of Human Resource Management 7e, 1997, page;yard 95-96, signing tendency use 3 technique in executing activity dig of data, interview technique, questionnaire, Observation, and perceive worker diary. In interview technique, Dessler divide in 3 interview technique, among others is individual interview, group interview, and interview expertly which have really know indepth work which is diging. Advis given by Dessler in execution of this interview is interviewer shall fully comprehend reason for interview, caused by an tendency that execution of interview often it as " assessment of efficiency. If this do not clarify beforehand, hence worryed of individual or group of people to hold an interview with possibly will do not wish to submit statement concerning position/work of their subordinate or them carefully.

Differ advice from Dessler is to give guidance which need to be considered in execution of interview, that is ( 1). Analyst work and supervisor shall cooperate. Identifying of employees which is soybean knowing at most concerning works/position, also them which is is possible to be expected to become most objective in depicting their responsibility and duties; ( 2). Performing a relation quickly with participant of interview, given the personal name, talking with Ianguage which is is easy to be understood, in a word explain the target of interview, and explain how people is finally selected for interview; ( 3). Following guidance of list or structure, containing of question and give room for his answer. This ensure that you'd identify the important question and that any interviewers cover all asked questions. However, ascertaining also to give time employees extra during replying question and give question like, " do there is something that not yet been covered by our question;(4). Having completed interview, check equipment and work data which is competence. This is usually done by information evaluation by together with supervisor, employees, and with interviewer. Equiping example form of questionnaire, Equiping example form of questionnaire practiceed can be seen its for like hereunder.

example of questionaire


Intention of this questions only wishing to know information concerning work of you, not to measure achievement or productivity. From this informations will be used to make job description of your position/occupation and analyse facts influencing works, so that can assist you in the case of improving efficiency.




writing down especial function of [position/occupation this work shortly and clear.
Writing down duty - fundamental duty which must be conducted for to support especial function of position/occupation this work, statement of the fundamental duty is shortly written to use guidance " What is done and result of this fundamental duty can be used to be exploited to what "
Mentioning also additional duty ( if exist) by using guidance of writing like above, and how many times the work executed during one week, one month, 3 months or 6 months.
Mentioning stages;steps of execution of job/activity globally able to depict knowledge, skilled, and job/activity attitude which required in executing work step, and also as according to fundamental duty items.
Materials, Product, service, fundamental matter which handled/ to be yielded in execution of this work.
The Job/occupation hold responsible direct at function / title job : concerning ; report, authentication, inspection, or follow-up
Work / the [position/occupation] direct ;
Relation work in company :
Relation work outside company ?:
Resistances what is met and relate to interest ( knowledge, skilled, or [job/activity] attitude), in working this.
Elaborate in detail, clear, and complete concerning responsibility to work result and authority in deciding something of usage of resource ( given to be to be connected at risk to possible emerge in execution of work / [position/occupation].
How your work is assumed to succeed, and what measuring rod him ( guidance of him) ?


Minimum Clauses [of] Formal Education
Clauses of Knowledge of Nonformal ( requirement of training of addition)
Clauses of Job Experience; to be able to do this work, is required [by] Job experience in area ……………………………………………… Year Of Service ………. Month of / year.
Clauses of able to/skilled/competency.


Writing down in detail, clear, and complete of the reason what become base that work / the position/occupation have to qualify education level and experience like which have written in job qualification of work/position/occupation, attributed to difficulty form and type which emerge and resolving of problem oves real which oftentimes have to face.
Elaborate in detail, clear, and complete concerning role to position/occupation abbout planning and control time, form coordination ( for example; discuss, presentation, or negociation), and also control form and time of exploiting of sources/project of company.
Elaborate in detail, clear, and complete concerning responsibility to work result and authority in deciding something of usage of resource ( given to be to be connected at risk to possible emerge in execution of work / position/occupation.
Writing down in detail, clear, and complete concerning responsibility to management of money, in category of revenue, expense of project, and expense of payroll, while asset value is monetary data which do not the including to be made by measurement dimension.

After us prepare everything related to preparation of execution of work observation ( dig of work data), like; permit, format of questionaire, usage of observer, hence hereinafter we need it execution of the work observation each all of functions; every function can draw up everything without bothering fluency work of function to visit, besides also don't forget to write letter in each function head to every execution of activity of job/activity obsevation.

Is got from internet, various source, and direct experience.

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