Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

Job Analysis; In scope of job formulation process

  • 1. Identifying work constrain in every function.

    This step is accurate activity, elaborating , formulating, and perceiving and also note abbout aktivity related to an work ( pursuant to observation result) into job description information formats, qualification requirement, and step of work input-proses-output). Started by using principle " Write what is done and do what is written", from this statement hence we earn to conclude that work (position/occupation) description is an statement written by concerning what which must be done by job holder, how him doing, and also in a condition of job environment which how he do work. This information in turn will be required by for all line of management, for worker is line item, for organization / company is information document in determining type varietas and nature of work, and directly for human resource management function is important document able to be used as base making of order and systems in function. In general result of writing of job description usually will be used by function management of human recoure which generally have functions :

    · Planning Of Human Resource
    · Compensation Human Resource
    · Development Of Human Resource
    · Assessment of Performance Human Resource

    From above functions illustration, can be seen that job description items if expected can fulfill requirement of information for all above functions, hence the job description items is must made complete so that can be used as base with a purpose to fluency management of human resource.

    So we can conclude that this process is core process of in work analysis, where in the execution of needing adequate skilled from all work analysts to be able to formulate result of from work observation, in this step was we need considered beforehand regarding some matters, taking example; Agreement of constrain of smallest work stasion of result of photograph in a organizational function seen stream work and by using map of job/activity process operation we earn to conclude and summarize into statement of boundary of work stasion smallest. For this matter was we need to define told the work scope is finishing of an fundamental duty to be mentioned in job description format. This require attention, because every organizational function lini will have the nature of and different work character and this will influence fundamental duty types and amount which meant. Good to be more we may make beforehand criterion of fundamental duty, taking example we define beforehand regarding of fundamental duty; Fundamental duty is the breakdown of some executions of activity, which every activity have complete and clear activity step, where the complete fundamental duty have marking as following ; ( a). In a production shares, complete duty end delivered by result of the work at shares inspection of quality ( other work). ( b). In administration operational shares, complete fundamental duty is activity terminated up to the delivering of typing result or report of his superior. ( c). While engineering shares, marked complete fundamental duty delivered by conception device of superior and have acceded to to be continued of shares print bluely. This statemant/definition it is of course not stiff like above, but better be adapted for organizational environment of company. Thus practically, above statement assuming that one fundamental duty ( keytask) in an job description is smallest work station in process sequence work in a function. Equally that job description is a number of complete activities which marked ( indicated) with existence of characteristic ( 1) Work / activity of illustration with existence of lay time ( delay) at the other function, ( 2) Work / activity of followed up by superior / other shares, ( 3) Or result of the work do not return again to fundamental duty item.

    Something else which need to be considered by before formulating job description is to specify uniforming in using verb. to every activity and this better pass agreement forum among organizational function lini ( taking example at function; engineering, production, support, commercial, and others). Usage of good grammar method and excacly very assist for job description creation which with quality, in easy meaning is ism and understood by all worker coats or function using it. To realize an data/information of good job description and aplicative, we require to know the nature of and characteristic an job description having quality relative at its for which; Ravelled, certifiable, and methodical of correct and good Ianguage, and also complete.

    a. Ravelled; Mean the job description depict clear statement which concerning activity/duty, clauses of work, work input-output, and or other explanation related to work in detail but not verbiage and coherent.
    b. Certifiable; Mean job description of breakdown of duty in an work having certifiable sentence and wording ( having compatible and summarized sentence in saying which is steps and and number compatiblely in sentence formation). Certifiable in this case concerning things; Systematic that is the compilation of pursuant to selected clauses and order was so that obtained by systematic formation, Ad for that is if read by whoever will be able to directly give picture and can understand to regarding the work, in other word of reader needn't abundant effort in interpretation statement of job description, Summary that is in usage of word / solid and correct sentence and also not verbiage, so that reader of time needn't old ones in comprehending, precise of principality that is sentence and content one another show harmonic and is same intention and direction and also do not isn't it things which interfere in between one with otherly.
    c. Ad for correct and good Ianguage; Mean job description descripting by using correct and good Ianguage order and ethics, mean in writing of job description better don't be mingled among 2 or more Ianguage and suggested to use formula forming of word / sentence pursuant to gramatica ( Subject, Predicate, Object, and etc).
    d. Complete; Mean the job description contain concerning data / complete containing work information as according to requirement of functions in company. In the case of this equipment in general, sheet of job description, qualification requirement, and work steps is usually contain the the things hereunder:

    · Identity Work is statement depicting an selected characteristic of existence of the work and can differentiate between one otherly work, usually work identity contain descriptions concerning; work name ( title job), work codefication ( Job Code), work level ( Job Grade), work group ( Job Group).
    · Job Description is statement depicting concerning duty scope and account authority which must be executed by job holder. Subs of this job description sheet contain statement concerning; Ambit ( targets and function) Work, Detail Of Fundamental Duty, job relation.
    · Clauses of Work is statement depicting clauses of ability claimed by an work and have to have by candidate/job holder and in writing its, agree on beforehand regarding coherence of minimum clauses which must fulfill, is important become attention so that on the application of next time, will the clear is exploiting at area of recruiting selection and for employees candidate. While subs of this statement contain information concerning clauseses is; Education, Knowledge, Skilled and Ability, Certification ( license), Experience, Ladder Career.
    · Data of Input-Proses-Output of Work is statement depicting to regarding identifying of specification of step / process the work, which in it contain description; Identify Work, materials Input, Process, and Output of work.

    Above explanation is the image of public concerning content of data/work information, but in practice its many companies / organizational develop its contents or items as according to requirement. Simply addition, better before format formulation of work used, it is better each of statement element defined beforehand, this meant so that every work analyst will have same Ianguage in interpreting each such element. For example at illustration of 1 following exemplified concerning definition of element which on job description, qualification requirement, and steps of work (input-proses-output).

    Job description we to compile better be connected also with organizational step accelerated motion, so that three component ( targets, activities, and worker) can by sinergi by using result job analysis will reach goals and target which have been specified. Relating to this mentioned, there are some work principles which need careful in compiling format and formulate job description, that is as following :

    1. Organization Chart which is existence protect of job analyst and have hierarchy elements and also work stream, hence job description picture shall logical, mean following good management principles ( like authority delegation element and clear communications path and also span to conduct the effectiveness). Besides job description better fulfill requirement to a present now and relative future period, intention of is don't compile job description which in character whereas or can only be used at a period of which relative shorten, as picture usually was of old age the than an job description can be used by 5 until 10 year, because program analyse work will use a period of which relative old and use fund which relative by dozens.
    2. Principle of Function; this matter relate to scheme of work which have been studied in the face of, what basically we have to really accurate in specifying really needed work or the him of in work stream earn responsible isn't it, this matter become attention so that at application location of employees at the work really was can guaranteed the by giving of contribution of organization through yielded output pass execution of duty. Suggested that to take a care with works which in character only assisting ( assistence) which if traced or studied in the reality don't have proportional between of released cost with contribution, or output yielded. For case which a kind of hence require to be allowed for joined forces with other work which of a kind ( clump). Neglectless also with work which have lapsed, intention of at the time of re-organization happened, hence us also have to see how far affect from change of the organization to existence of existing works, so that we do not enableness of employees released of cost operational, do well by usage of facility, and to compensation which must be accounted by company.

    2. Following Criterion Writing of Job Description.
    a. Rule of tumbs in Writing of Job Description.
    · Systematic; mean the compilation of have to follow order, selected condition and form was so that obtained systematic formation (not confusing and is easy to comprehended).
    · Clear : mean duty description should be able to pass to the reader of easily comprehend clear intention and content, bold, and clear, and not doubt of. otherly word of the duty description if read by whoever will be able to give the image of work / understood direct which can activity.
    · Summary; mean duty description which in the nature of that words have to have the character of summary, that is using word / brief sentence, short, and solid, so that reader not need old time to read and comprehend it.
    · Actual; mean formulated duty description and compiled have to pursuant to required work at the moment and done at this time/now, not erstwhile activity, or to future.
    · Precise; mean duty description have to deflect to present description giving appropriate understanding, precisely like what is such by work content of position/occupation, so that people reading it will get and picture of understanding which is equal to work content which in fact.
    · Obedient of ground; mean duty description have to contain sentence and words which is its contents one another isn't it instruct and harmonic or is same intention, and do not contradiction or interfere in one another.
    · Accurate; mean duty description have to be compiled accurately as according to all situations of work facet and fact have to be compiled, to be laid open, and isn't it completely, not less and not more , drop behind or excessive.
    · Measured, mean job description have to be compiled clearly to the intention of each goals of duty and using set of selected was which earn to be measured.

    b. Order In Writing of Job Description.
    · Is suggested before formulating an job description, getting beforehand the image of stream work from an function where the work reside in.
    · Please assume that job description is smallest work station in process of sequence work an function and will become fundamental duty items.
    · Contending that job description is complete activity network which marked with existence of delay at other function or followed up by head function and or the activity shall no longger return at item of task the sameness.
    · Job description the written is really is sequence of work station an organizational function which was have contribution to supporting the reaching of field goal or organizational unit of place of work station (name of work ) residing in.
    · Job description the written is pursuant to the clear activity is existence of and really factual is executing.
    · Each job description in an function may not overlaps among work one otherly or among level-level in work, and also earn stand-out difference it, that is differing writing matter in the case of;
    - Job Description ( Target of Work & core of duties)
    - Clauses Of job qualification ( Knowledge, Ability & skill)
    - Information Step of Activity ( input - process - output ) of core of duties.
    · Job description better be written by using summarized Ianguage, solid, ad for and also express coherent activity.
    · In writing the breakdown of work , better use active sentence which started with verb. and also express functional activity. example; installing, checking, watching, analysing, comparing, processing, and others ( utilizing verb. standard).
    · Sentences in job description do not be written pursuant to process work or product, as according to work design which have agreed on, specially at work type having the nature of and character work of routine.
    · Grouping of work after process analyse work executed, which better need to be considered by is :
    - Grouping of Work onjob / work type; Consideration criterion of business interest it, taking example on type work of engineering, business interest of is scheme and examination of company product..
    - Grouping of Work at family job / work clump; consideration criterion of especial duties of job type, taking example in group work of personnel, work with duty the core important is management of human resources.
    - Grouping of Work in Job Group / work group; Consideration criterion of is on science discipline group which of a kind.

    c. Procedures Formulation of Job Description.
    1. Checking accurately abbout complette data obtained of result spreading of interview or questionaire and or combination both of way, if felt still less in complette of data, equip beforehand less work data. paying attention of work which in character the non cyclict (work which is appearance quarterly, one year, or even 5 year once), better be formulated only work which in character cyclict ( maximal one week once).
    2. To execute a[n work; needed [by] sure [of] enough time, or equally not undersize if/when compared to the overall of available time every day him. Better one fundamental duty the formulated is a series of complete job/activity or smallest work station, so that core of duties is corps of work station such as. For example; Housework which compose from :
    · Cleaning clothes
    · Cleaning equipments eat / kitchen
    · Cleaning Floor
    · Cleaning yard
    · Cleaning car
    · Etc.
    From above mentioned work illustration, if us pay attention hence seen that each work station ( cleaning clothes, cleaning equipments eat / kitchen, cleaning floor, etc) having process work by self and one another do not always have to correlate, and also have process, different work result and time.

    3. Paying attention in merger of process work on work station, don't join activity which in contradiction character (cannot be done concurrently by one worker people), taking example in work of driver of cab there are activity " looking after hygiene of machine condition" this activity don't be joined parallelly (together) piloted passenger cars, this matter, because education condition, knowledge, skilled, or attitude of work is different.
    4. A group of activity (core of duties) it will be to formulation in an job description, as a whole have to have specific-purpose, in this case the target is to support one wich point of attainment of organizational function goals. If found an core of duties don't have the target of in attainment of organizational function goals, hence the work have no weight, no contain, no valuable, or unfinished, or equally that work of expense will big and there is no result, this matter of course harm company.
    5. In the case of compilation of duty sequence, can be based on :
    · Relation of duty situation; intention of is situation relation between one duty with other duty as a whole in one position/occupation will express rule of work, circulation and understanding of duties, the duty relation situation divided in :
    - Relation of duty situation having the character of cyclict; in this case of duty sequence have network which remain or have recuring orbit. For the position/occupation having duty relation/link of this cyclict, duty formation sequence of made by chrologyc, or pursuant to time priority sequence execution. So duty having sequence work early placed in sequence in front, while which done later, placed in sequence later.
    - Relation of duty situation having the character of the non cyclict; for work which like, compilation of work sequence of based on core of duty, supporter duty, and additional duty. Mean duties which is is fundamental to be prioritizeed the by sequence of from supporter duty, and additional duty placed at last sequence. this additional Duty indication is usually preceded with word " can" or " can also " ( task may).
    · Situation where the duty divided and done by many people and each other changes . This work usually have the character of cyclict or non cyclict. If having the character of cyclict hence the compilation of duty sequence of based on his duty essence.
    · Duty frequency; intention of duty compiled in sequence pursuant to often work appearance, become work which was a more regular, sorted earlier than work which was appearance seldom, the duty frequency divided in :

    - Daily duty; placed the sequence in early or in front, if in the reality the work have the character of cyclict. While if having the character of the non cyclict, hence depended itself duty, do having the character of fundamental, if do not fundamental, placed in sequence early.
    - Periodic duty; placed in sequence after daily duty, if pertinent of position/occupation have the character of cyclict. While if in the reality the position/occupation having the character of the cyclict, sequence of depended pertinent duty essence. If placing fundamental in front, hence if not core placed it in the rear.

    6. In the case of stipulating of core of dutieses amount, in general the amount of fundamental dutieses in an position/occupation/work range from 6 until 12 fundamental duty. Progressively lower position/occupation/work, hence progressively modestly and a few in essence dutieses amount, and usually less than 6 fundamental duty. On the contrary position/occupation excelsior, hence more and more in essence duties amounts, can more than 12 fundamental duty.
    7. In compiling sentence in fundamental duties should be able to express " What - How - Why ",
    - What express what is done ( predicate + object), intention of is activities executed by worker.
    - How express steps of the work done, intention of is way the work method executed.
    - Why express to what end the work done, intention of is what the intention of the creating of work, which depict contribution or function and result of execution of work.

    Taking example;
    Looking after cabbage crop by manure and mow it so that the cabbage crop thrive with quality which have been specified.

    Activity the done is to look after cabbage crop,

    Its way is by manure and mow it,

    Result the expected is so that the cabbage crop thrive and with quality.
    d. Using verb. Standard
    Compiling sentence or word in formulation of job description needed by writing category / usage of selected verb able to depict type and nature of executed activity, do destined for functional or structural position/occupation, matter is is important paid attention, because execution of activity in structural position/occupation will depict responsibility and othority shouldered in structural functionary, while in functional depict charged against by responsibility and duty of job holder.

    Following the example of verb able to be used as formulation base act for duty of structural and functional position.

    1. Verb as management function to depict able to be used to formulate duty of managerial in top of management level ( the first level ); Designing of Policy, Formulating Target, Strategic Planning, Organization, Controling, Coordinated, Instructing, Constructin, Instructing, Delegating, Etc.
    2. Verb as illustration of management function able to be used to formulate duty of managerial in top management level ( the second level); Coordinated, Formulating, Target, Constructing, Instructing, Carrying Out , Evaluating , Reporting, Instructing, Delegating, Etc.
    3. Verb as illustration of management function able to be used to formulate duty of managerial in top management level ( the third level); Planning Operational, Dividing , Duty, Giving guide, Supervising, Arranging, Evaluating, Reporting, Etc.
    4. Verb as illustration of management function able to be used to formulate duty of managerial in top management level ( the third level); Giving guide, Duty dividing, Guiding, Checking, Correcting, Controlling, Compiling report , Planning activity, Etc.

    5. Verb. as technical activity to illustration of operational able to be used to formulate the duty of non managerial ( functional); Teaching, Noting, Making, Releasing, Removing, Put into, Compiling, collecting, Installing, Etc.

    To be more sharpness can see the vb. list and definition of separate on page, and for the admission filling of job description format with understanding practically can be seen like hereunder.

    3. To defition of work element
    - Example of definition in job description sheet.

    Job Title;
    Is an containing work name of given responsibility and duties to be delegated from head to a employees, where this work name have understanding which equal to statements which implied in core of activities.

    Code of Job;
    Other Sign (codefication) from an work depicting practically regarding existence of the work in work of type, work of clump, work of group, and work ladder with a purpose to facilitate seeking return from work database, and can differentiate among one with other work.

    Ladder of work;
    Is identifying letter/mentioned number at one particular work/position/occupation expressing work responsibility and weight through process of evaluate work, yielding level to the each work.

    Benefit Work ;
    Depicting in a word and clear regarding what is the target of fundamental performed of this work, and also the image of this work contribution reside in to support attainment of organizational target. To be more facilitate, use word appliance " What" and " Why", for example : " What is done : Checking equipments operation every day. "why is done: to specify duty repair hereinafter which needed.

    Fundamental Duties;
    Contain a number of brief descriptions, and coherent concerning fundamental activity which must be done by job holder and also expected output to be able to fulfill the target of work. Each fundamental duty is complete activity.

    Work Relation;
    Is the image of job coordination which must be done by job holder to another job title/function, in company and outside of company for the agenda of supporting finished the activity/work. For example : Working along with title job calibrate in matter / frame specify right time for the operation of repair. Co-Ordinating with functions of maintenance in matter / frame get data of standarisation of machine capability.

    - Example in Qualification requirement sheet

    Level of Education :
    Is statement explaining to regarding of clauses of formal education minimize level which must to be owned by job holder /candidate. Job).

    Knowledge :
    Is description formulating concerning deepness of science area or specific knowledge which qualified, both for got from formal education institute and non formal which must fulfill by job holder.

    Ability and Skill;
    Is description explaining concerning technical skilled in using/controling appliance/equipments, on the job which in character use the effort physical ( operator), taking example: can operate computer, operating machine / equipments. While statement of ability used in the job which in character use the effort bouncing, taking example able to method application, able to applied method, able to application of system analysis, able to interpret of qualification requirement for the compilation of education road map.

    Kind of Certificate :
    Is permission letter / qualified license or have to have by job holder either from the institute in or from outside company, so that job holder have have authority to work.

    Is statement explaining to regarding of the experience in doing an selected work during which claimed to be owned by candidate/job holder to execute selected job description.

    Ladder of Career :
    Is depiction of level and direction / work career ladder, what utilize him to place development / make-up of job holder qualification.

    Candidate :
    Is the image of opportunity for job holder name of selected work able to be made candidate. as medium the increasing of qualification job of holder which on the lower grade.

    Promotion :
    Is the image of opportunity a job title one or is lower than ajob title of superordinate later on will perform by job holder of assessed work fulfill clauses of promotion to be able to work which the was level of higher.

    - Example in Steps of work sheet

    Fundamental duties;
    Filled with statement of fundamental duty number matching with the one which in job description information sheet.

    Input ;
    Filled with statement regarding the breakdown of usage of needed to raw material execute each such fundamental duty pursuant to hereunder.
    1. Materials name : Filled with statement of raw material name which used in execution of such fundamental duty.
    2. Number of Register : Filled with statement of raw material number ( if exist) which have been arranged by company as according to such raw material.
    3. Standard of Materials type : Filled with statement of raw material type ( plastic, rubber, metal, paper, and coherent other type such raw material.
    4. Standard materials form : Filled with statement of form ( in form of / irregular, liquid / solid, and other form which have identified and used in execution of such fundamental duty.
    5. Nature of standard materials : Filled with statement of[is nature of had by raw material, example; danger / innocuous, contamination/not contamination, and/or nature of other had by raw material.

    Filled with statement clearly of sequence/step activity conducted for each fundamental duty in detail and provided with usage of appliance / equipments, distance, frequency, time, set of result, and work station.

    Filled with statement clearly regarding of yielded finished goods pursuant to hereunder.
    1. Product name : Idem
    2. No. Register : Idem
    3. standard Type Product : Idem
    4. Form Product : Idem
    5. Nature of product : Idem

    4. Procedures Writting of Job Qualification Requirement.

    General Understanding.
    Clauses of Work qualification is an containing form concerning minimum rules which claimed by an work and have to fulfill by job holder to be able to work better and correctness, the form contain statement for example concerning Education, Knowledge, Ability/ Skill, Experience, and Ladder Career which consist of Candidate and Promotion Work. For the writing of formulation of ability qualification and technical skill ( Skill & Abilities ) compiled alternately pursuant to Fundamental Duties description. To be more sharpness can be seen by descriptions hereinafter in Form and Content Work Of Clauses of Work competency.

    Method Writing Of Clauses of job qualification.
    Clauses of job/activity is generation information, mean information concerning of job qualification condition of position/occupation formulated to through fundamental duties information and work step.
    clauses of job/posistion in fact is not items aspect, but clauses aspect addressed for the job holder of position/occupation which the information of is recapitulating of result analyse concerning formulated information items through observation process owner of position/occupation, abbout to processing raw material, using of equipments/tools, and executed action work selected to in a condition to be result of work.
    Clauses of job have two aspect which must fulfill by job holder, that is physical aspect and mental aspect, so that in the writing must be clear to the identifying from each aspect.
    Clauses of job qualification; the fundamental is skilled, while to get an skilled, someone require to have knowledge of job. So that owning knowledge of someone have to follow education, training, and or selected experience, on that account formula result clauses of work have to earn to be identified and degraded into requirement of education level, requirement of training need, and a period of work orientation.

    Clauses of Admission filling.
    - work data/information is complette ( fundamental duty and work step
    - Do not fill by using estimate or intuition
    - item of each statement of qualification reqiurement filled pursuant to admission filling principality.

    The Way of Writing Of Clauses of Job qualification
    1. Paying attention and perceive what is fundamental duties data and work step ( input - process - output), which mustered in observation sheet have complete ?
    2. If have complete, hence admission filling can start from education level and majors ( if required), this data stem from result process work observation. Statement of clauses of education requirement the written is minimum education level. Taking Example;
    - Master ( Program of S1), Industrial Technique majors
    - Vocational High School, Machine majors, etc.
    3. In the writing of statement of Knowledge which need to be paid attention is, written statement stem from fundamental of duties which must be done and focussed on knowledge which is specific in character, both for got from formal education and education of non formal. Knowledge of job/activity can be laid open according to kinds of and level. According to kinds, knowledge of job/activity cover knowledge concerning : Product, Equipments, Materials, Procedure and method, Product current / process relate to work, criteria, Formulas Calculation, Ianguage, Risk Danger, And others.

    While knowledge according to level use word as following ;
    To know Level ;
    word used to depict usage an science discipline / knowledge with orientation in activity assist to draw up something only execution of work having the character of physical ( like; preparing / arranging goods, document, appliance / equipments). Taking example the orientation of is to assist preparation of execution of activity of presentation. Hence can be written column of knowledge " Knowing Technique Presentation", word know to have meaning can assist to draw up everything in things having the character of settlement of document / presentation items and or appliance support to prepare of equipments of presentation.

    To understand Level,
    used to depict usage an science discipline of knowledge with orientation at activity assist to equip / completing content/data/information with duty scope look for, counting/calculating/approximating, and or to illustrating data to in the form of other visualisation. Taking example the orientation of is to assist execution of activity of presentation. Hence at column of knowledge can be written " Comprehending Technique Presentation", word comprehend to have meaning can assist activity of presentation in the case of searching data / information, data accounting/calculating/processing, compiling items in according to form visualizing presentation, and or assist in demonstration of presentation.

    Mastering Level,
    to be used to depict usage an science discipline / knowledge with orientation at execution of fundamental activity ( not again assist). Taking example in execution of activity of presentation, hence at column of knowledge can be written " Mastering Technique Presentation", word master to have meaning can apply / presentation techniques application as a whole.

    4. Admission filling at column of Skill & Abilities; Basically Skill & Abilities have skilled understanding / ability of job/activity, or shortened " skilled" is level of actualization of the effort / ability qualified to do an work or an work shares which have been obtained from practice work, or through training of practice and or through experience work in an job/activity area. As for usage of verb which used in the infusion of into sheet Clauses of Work is.

    Able to (level 1);
    Is an level of the effort/ability qualified by an title job and which must fulfill / to be released by job holder to execute an work having the nature of and common character, ad for the work object of dealing with people, data, or object.

    Skilled (level 2);
    Is an level of the effort / ability needing enough experience and qualified by an title job and which must fulfill / to be released by job holder to execute an work of routine having the nature of and character qualifying speed of hand member in spread, placing, grouping product or parts of product yielded by company.

    Full Skilled (level 3);
    Is an level of the effort / ability qualified by an title job and which must fulfill / to be released by job holder to execute an work having the nature of and character qualifying to use of master an knowledge, to controling, operating appliance, equipments, machine, and others.

    Ad for such is to include; cover aspects ;

    Ability of mental effort); written with orientation in conscription of ability focussed on effort usage of soft apparatus ( software) the dominantness use conscription of mind in executing work object with interpretation scope, analysing, evaluating, making decision, counting/calculating, approximating, planning, and others, as for the writing of by using word can, take example :
    - Can translate policy of company to be poured in the form of company orders
    - Can translate information clauses of job qualification to be infused by compilation of map road education
    - Can use method analyse system for the compilation of repair program
    - Can use method of aritmetik / geometry to make program of product series at machine of CNC.

    Ability of physical Effort; written with orientation to conscription of ability focussed to usage effort / operation of hard apparatus ( hardware), making of goods, and or compile / placing dominant goods use conscription move physical, and in the writing of using skilled word / ad for taking example:
    - Can operate and control machine of milling horizontal
    - Ad for using fixture to water down to forming of product in machine of horizontal milling
    - Can make or part of tools which in form of complicated - Ad for placing result of product into place of ( packaging) in optimal speed.

    Ability of social effort ( effort social);
    written with orientation to conscription of ability / sensitivity to job/activity environment focussed on effort to adaptation of situation / condition of environment work
    - Able to adapt with dustyin the job/activity environment, noise, hot, and others
    - Able to adapt with job/activity environment having tight schedule / goals
    - Able to adapt with job/activity environment applying clean take care of, summary, diligent, etc
    - Able to take care of cooperation, good job relation, improving motivation work among worker, and others
    - Able to act and sensitive at environment work for iniciative in improve, repairing, placing, reporting things which do not / not yet at the place of by proporsional.

    5. To fill Certificate / Liasion, Certificate used for work qualifying / needing verification that job holder have got knowledge and can work, while Liasion only filled if an work qualify permit with pass voucher ( liasion) released by government or institute which was private sector expressing that owner of the sign or letter have passed and have authorization to execute a[n work with selected standard. As the consequence of people which do not have letter or the prohibited to work the because do not can / not be permitted / impinge order so that can generate danger to human being or affect / harming big material to company. Taking example in the job title of motor vehicle ( car) driver, obliged to have Driving Licence released by police institute; at work of argon of welding have to certificate of welder klas 1.

    6. At the column of Career Growth, consist of two filled matter of result process formulation of method compilation of career path. As for two matter its as following :

    Candidate :
    Is the image of opportunity for job holder selected work able to be made by candidate. as medium the increasing of job qualification of holder which its true work of lower grade.

    Promotion :
    Is the image of opportunity an job title from superordinate later on will in perform by job holder of assessed work fulfill clauses.

    So explanation have all [regarding/ hit] formulation of job description, writing of clauses of work, and writing of activity step from all fundamental dutieses, henceforth readers will be presented by explanations of the process of execution of work evaluation.

    Sources : internet, various media, and experience during working.

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