Rabu, 10 Juni 2009

Job Analysis; A Strategic Role of Job Analysis in Human Resource Management

A Strategic Role Of Job Analysis In Human Resource Management

Terminology of job analysis which we interpret in our mind may be right, that sure job analysis something activity related to correction, arrangement, settlement, and publisher by administrasi focussed on things related to work ( activity / role) for all employeeses in an company / organizational, this opinion cusorily not wrong, because it is true later after formed an containing format regarding of information is breakdown of and clauses of qualification to each work, application of flange administration order in providing work data to be used on various function in management of human resource and other function in a company.

Term of Job Analysis start to be recognized at a period of world war of I, at that moment US president, Lincoln detect the existence of inefficient and not effective of result of work from a group of people which cooperate, specially military, so that affect expense height which must be released by government. Besides expense, time, regularity of worker, portion sharpness of each worker, top-drawer matter in esteeming result of employees job is reward, that is reward which in form of money is reward and salary which is not in form of money take example career, health guarantee, and also other prosperity guarantee. As according to nun of time, job analysis term have been recognized in all the world and is very fundamental role a part in arrangement and management of human resource, even to a period of future to come, role of job analysis still very require; taking example at company using robot system, description of work (job description) have to be formulated and elaborated in detail and clear to be used by a programmer as base compilation of program move the robot.

Definition job analysis is such as told by Garry Dessler in the book of entitling " Human Resources Management" is an procedure to determine skilled clauses and duties from a work and compiled for the purpose of as guidance for worker to work. In a organization, role of work to be executed by a worker can be divided to become two nature of role of work, that is role of work having the character of managerial / structural and role of work having the character of functional / technical executor. Both the nature of role of work having the the difference each playing a part in the executing of him by proporsional and together to reach the target of organization. Difference nature of managerial role and this [is] functional is very significant, among others most krusial is authority scope, responsibility, and qualification requirement, in application of this responsibility and authority will be executed by differing among structural functionary and technical executor, later on will depict the each duty constrain and decision making authority by proporsional according to by determine. Structural functionary usually will have decision making authority having the character of coordinating, operation and observation to the all used resourceses / to be exploited in running organizational operation and also having the character of strategic which specify all policy of company and attainment of company/organizational goals, while ladened with technical executor having responsibility in the execution of duty of centring around decision making the character of technical, which intended to this decision making usually is always based on line item which have selected, ad for which have been made by the book manual operate for equipments of factory maker of machine / internal technical orders and equipments of the company which have been specified as order. Dimension Job Analysis according to Mc. Corrick in the book of entitling " Industrial The Job Analysis Handbook Business for, Government and" ( 1988:1.3) identifying the existence of 4 job analysis dimension type, that is; 1.Types elaborate or element used to explain of work, 2. Forms ( got work information struktur) to diidentified and or laid open, 3. Agents or work information source, and ( 4). Methods data collecting of work. From four work dimension told by Mc. Above Corrick, we earn to conclude constrain of job analysis dimension, that is;
1. Element any kind of to be used to be able to explain an job description ( work information) what earn to be understood by any person who read and can it upon which basis for support activity of human resource management functions and other organizational function, otherly word that good is breakdown of work / position/occupation and or qualification requirement of work formulated and compiled, better use correct and good Ianguage technique and methods and also is easy to understood by reader.
2. Forms of work information better identified clearly and complete, mean items format is breakdown of and clauses of work qualification requirement to become work information expression medium have to be designed in such a manner so that can give expected information and can it adapted by functions to use.
3. Information work source, of this dimension two medium which must be considered and prepared, that is execution of observation of work data and got data source of giver of portion work pursuant to work device ( design of job), and also the source of got work data from expert / worker which have experienced in working the during selected range of time & really master selected work area which is perceiving.
4. Method which used in data collecting and formulation of work information, in this case we have to choose and specify technique and method and also applied correct strategy to each;every step process job analysis, where each;every step process job analysis need different execution technique and method as according to step type execution of job analysis and expectation to reach by each company.

Role of Job analysis in Management of Human Resource

In environment an company group / organizational, product or service, group which organiz legally, or which do not,, like which have it above, usually there are 3 especial component in it, that is; components of targets and goals, activity ( work), and people / human being ( worker). From third factor, human being factor is top-drawer factor and krusial execute the role of in an organization or group, because in enableness, human being will entangle many matters which do not there are in other component, Complexity enableness of human being in executing all the duty of oftentimes claim usage of physical effort and/or mental effort as according to work scope his job, this matter will become common demand which is have estuary to problems of compensation demand and requirement of place of development of ability of worker which must be given by company. To support fluency management of human resource, needed an data support / information able to be used by human being in running the work of to reach the target of company / organizational, so this matter make function management of human resource claimed to prepare an job analysis function able to provide data / work information in fulfilling requirement of clarity identify the each work in various area, which in the management of needing time, place, and special energy ( Job Analyst ) for the agenda of execution of process to identify clearly grow on from compensation demand and solution of its problems. To fulfill this matter, in drawing up data / work information, we need execution of work identifying processes to work environment and scope, clauses, wight, and also map of career of work. This is very is require to done with final purpose to get stipulating of clarity of compensation which must be passed to worker which have worked which in setting as according to nature of and character of each company / organizational in yielding expected product and planned. Activity in a organizational is often interpreted or used by work term, designed and specified pursuant to selected boundaries is and also defined from target to reach. Is equally formed by data/information and or constrain clarity of work the designed is started from translating vision, mission, and intention of each organization / company, because the description and clauses of this work forming of based on mission, vision, and target of each organization / company, hence format, design, structure, and items type of made work information will differ among of organization / company one otherly. To equalize perception concerning understanding of vision, mission, and target, shall be as follows:

“ Mission “ is something which must be done and have to be executed during journey of organization / business.

" Vision " is view (desire) far forwards regarding with form and type existence of company, where this matter no different with aspiration to be reached by company.

Targets/Goal is an organizational / company direction to be gone to, equally to what end company / organizational this formed.

Later;Then result of from translating of vision, mission, and mentioned organizational target hereinafter will be formulated in stream stations of work step by step become what ordinary habit is referred as Job Title ( one work package name). Stipulating of boundaries work to the each job is result of perception / observation of job analyst and or agreement specified by organizer of job ( owner of company) together with work analyst by komitmen and konsekuen, result of be achieved will be applied in each function pursuant to scheme / settlement of organizational device form. From global work function, is usually made moderate step by step become rather specific work clump forms and hereinafter according to requirement in form into more specific work packages ( Job Title) be achieved by every worker individual. Formula work device result ( Job Design) which have been specified so that become specific work packages ( Job Title) in general is information collection concerning job description, description of qualification of work, and step by step of activity which was usually processed and provided by work analyst was henceforth used as base making of program and system in the various function in organization management of human resource. direct related/relevant functions in usage of work information in management of human resource is; function Planning of Labour, function Development of Human Resource, function of Planning and Development of human resource, and also function compilation of System Compensation ( Salary System & Fringe Benefit).

Marginally, the functions is especial activator function of management of human resource. For example; to recruit and test new employees, at function Planning of Labour, hence base denominating of the employees candidate pursuant to what work type to be executed, and at the (time) of selection will use data abbout qualification of work peculiarly will show how far the employees candidate can show knowledge and enough skilled to be able to work which there are in the job description better and correctness; and so do the things of with enumeration of workload analysis and workforce analysis ( skilled composition analysis of worker), this matter is based on data / work information. Or at function Development of Human Resource, result of from process analyse formulated work into job description format and qualification of work, will very assist in compilation of map of work career becoming the place of development of potency and ability of worker, requirement of knowledge or training for the journey of employees career, and so do also in the case of assessment / measurement of employees achievement level in the execution of work of and giving of achievement compensation. With existence of yielded work wight information of process job evaluation and work load analysis, hence we earn to design fair compensation system, competing, and motivating. From above description, seen that depended role of job analysis in management of human resource very need to prepare data / work information, ad for will be used as line item or as base in compilation of company order and systems in function management of human resource and other management area. To be more sharpness role of work analysis on organization management of human resource, hereunder will earn to be seen by illustration until how long result of work analysis can be exploited in areas work hereunder, among others is as following :

· Area Scheme and organization chart; Description and qualification of work can clarify the each position of responsibility scope, authority, reqirement, and relation between position at all levels, besides earning is it a mount of efficiencies in promotion program, and overlap minimize or duplication among position/occupation, because with existence of clear job description and structure, hence we earn immediately know in the event of existence of same work but have different name and done by 2 or more / functionary, which if matter is that way let is extravagance of organizational operating expenses, specially compensation which must be accounted on and released by company, or on the contrary 2 different work, done by 1 worker people, this is loss for worker illustration.

· Planning Of Human Resource; In Planning of Human Resource, job analysis is factor which basis for forecast requirement of human resource in a planning program each activity like; recruitment, selection, location, training, giration, or mutation, even the transfer of worker, passing compilation of work profile ( work types and amount) needed, oftentimes yielded information of process analyse work are important shares able to fulfill requirement of function planning of hr. Of this matter of information system in the form of work database and human resource database an company very provide data / work information and of hr.

· recruiting of employees candidate; Most important informations which required in this process is charged against by the quality of compilation of description and qualification of work, this matter relate to clarity of work scope to be executed by employees candidate and qualification which must have by the employees candidate to be able to fill such vacancy.

· Examination of employees candidate or employees; Many methods used to select employees candidate or promotion for employees, but elementary materials of absolute use job description information and or qualification of work, where correctness determine promotion or location of and worker of prediction of execution of work, and also instruct worker career will centre around assessment of knowledge and skilled of employees in working the or work to come.

· Orientation, Training and development; Train worker to be able to work better, correctness and productive is expense will costly, data / work information will very and assist in compilation of training program which was have optimal expense to every worker individual to be accuracy of passed to training program is worker earn is correctly studied and applied in doing work, if this matter can be done truly and description and qualification of work hence will be able to cost effective from the happening of mistake of giving of imprecise training in pertinent worker, cause in accurate figure training program run by worker will relate at the work of which was now done or work to come. otherly word what is studied now, will be used precisely to do other work when to come.

· Assessment of labour capacity; If employees will assess how well he does work, the mentioned will relate to effective and uneffective of work, Result of from process analyse work can become basis for compile program items assessment of worker, because as the specifying of job description, and calculated by him set of specified activity as job goals, hence we earn specified achievement rangking each worker individual and this can overcome jelaousy of worker to other worker of giving] of compensation.

· Planning and career path; If organization ( including all individuals) don't have orientation concerning usage of qualification of work and how compilation of work made step by step and designed in such a manner so that become what the so-called as career path, where is its use prepared as place of for the compensation of development of ability of employees in other work which the was level of higher, and practically will be able to improve program effectiveness planning of employees career, this matter is possible of program planning of designed career, not possibly will be able to succeed, again this matter require data / information of is breakdown, job qualification requirement, and work weight.

· Industrial Relation (Labour Relation); Information provided by yielded work analyst which in form of description and qualaification of work and is result of from process job analysis will very assist both spliting between trade union and management for the negotiation of job contract ( Agreement Work Together), so that practically, can overcome problemses of worker by yuridis of sighs of worker and or dispute among worker with management, specially in the case of giving of prosperity and compensation.

· Scheme of Engeneering Design & Methods Improvement; to design job method, to usage of work equipments and/or develop product, and or in execution of specific technique duty, by reliabel and efficient, all engineer have to understand correctness concerning work stream, work step, capability of machine/equipment/production, and operator which to do, this is the same as decomposed an system work as a whole. Data / information of process result analyse containing work concerning work device ( design job) illustrating of existence of stream work each work station among process work from one machine to other machine), step of work to each equipment/machine/services, and also the requirement will be able to more lighten all the engineer in making programs repair of work method, developing product, and/or work streamline to be more economize time, expense of, and its can improve the productivity.

· Scheme of work; As does repair of work method, change of the way of work have to handle and is always evaluated as a whole to get result of optimal, step work from job description will very require to improve work method and way which the was back part of have estuary to process forming of duties to be done and what qualification requirement which must fulfill by worker.

· Tech Reference Manual and of counselling rehabilitation ; In a moment there is one or some workers get risk shall no longger contribution can in area produce specially as operator in a machine because the physical shall no longger enable to work faced machine / equipments, informed decision related to career choice, requiring the place of and guidance in application change of someone career, and this matter will need data / information which is is absolute to be obtained from description and qualification of work which by comperehensive designed in the form of career path, so that change of someone career through conseling rehabilitation can be executed.

· System Remuneration and Compensation; Stipulating of salary to the each worker individual and compensation for worker which is have achievement to very from clarity of work what is implementation of, this can fulfill by existence of data / work information which is Job Weight passing job evaluation process and enumeration of work load analysis to the each work.

We have known with that human resource which acting in an company not merely as asset which of vital importance, but farther is especial activator motor for all peripherals which in company, on that account in enableness of human resource needed by management of human resource which was capable and have vision forwards for the development. Such as have it in the face of, that in organizational function of human resource, there are 3 big function which very prepare and develop and also take care of human resource so that the work result of can reach optimal level was such as expected. As for three big function is : Function Planning of Human Resource, Treatment function and Development of Human Resource, and Compensation function. Above functions will stand in need of data / information of worker and work, relate to data demand / work information, hence process analyse work have to really plan by research and carefully to be yielded information can be optimal fashion exploited and aplicative used by functions in human resource management and other organizational function. To get result of from process analyse maximal work, hence process analyse work of perform accurately, systematic, and in phases.

Such as have by above writer, hitting important of a planning the process activity analyse work which must be prepared by to have a purpose to obtained result it in an optimal fashion in various organizational function, specially at function management of human resource. In general step analyse work divided from 4 (four step), which each step will use method and technique and also handling of different problems solution as according to nature of process passed by. Ad for step is as follows;

Phase of Preparation
Phase of Job Observation
Phase of Job Formulation
Phase of Job Evaluation

While result of job analysis process will be able to formulate and develop functions of core in human resource management, there is :

Planning of Human resource ( Analysis work load, Profile and Works amount, and also human resource composition).
Development of human resource ( Management Of Career, Career Path, and Requirement of Training of human resource).
Compilation of System Of Pay & Subsidy for human resource).
Skilled audit of human resource).

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